API extraction

How to get Rotating Residential Proxy with API extraction

Step 1: Login to TabProxy and go to "Dashboard".

Step 2: Add your IP to the whitelist (a prerequisite for API extraction)

  1. Select "Get Proxy".

  2. Select "IP Whitelist Configuration".

  3. Select "+ Add White List".

Step 3: Enter the IP addresses to be added to the whitelist.

Step 4: Set the number of proxies, countries, and conditions you want to extract.

  1. Select "Get Proxy".

  2. Select "API Extraction".

  1. Select the number of proxies you want to extract

  2. Select the country you want to extract the proxies from

  3. Select the protocol, format, and delimiter of the extracted proxies.

  4. Select "Generate API link".

Step 5: Select the extraction method that meets your needs.

  1. Select "Open Link".

  2. Select "Copy Link".


  • num COUNT

  • regions Country

  • protocol Protocol

  • return-type Format: TXT JSON

  • lt Delimiters ( 1:\ r \ n2:/ br 3:\r 4:\n5:\t6:Custom delimiters )

  • st Custom delimiters


    "code" : 0,
    "success": true,
    "msg": "0",
    "request_ip": "request address",
    "data": [
    {"ip": "","port": 15698}


  • code 0 indicates success and I indicates failure

  • ip IP

  • success True indicates success and false indicates failure

  • port port

Last updated